Extra Punchy, Love

If It’s on the Internet, It Must Be True!

My husband, D, is a smart man but he has this weird quirk that makes him seem a bit dumb.  He firmly believes that if he finds an article about something online, it must be the absolute truth.  I mean, seriously, the internet is for lies, recipes, porn, and cute pictures of puppies.  Did he not get that memo?

Even more infuriating is the fact that I can tell him something that is true – based on experience or knowledge from a reputable source – and he will ignore or dismiss my offering.  Then he will look it up on the internet and find the same exact thing that I JUST FUCKING SAID and it is now true because the internet says it is.  Cue internal screaming.

I think, however, I am going to start using this to my advantage…maybe even use this blog  – to report the facts as I see them so I can get what I want.

Fact #1: Women whose husbands listen to them when they say carefully thought out shit live longer and happier lives.

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