
Your Spring Variation of Holiday Trauma

Picture the scene of two adorable, pink-cheeked children flush with excitement bounding for the front door.  They have been waiting for Easter for months now and the poor things have been sick lately so they are especially excited to be allowed outdoors for a few moments to hunt eggs.  I open the door and they rush out…

to be greeted by a decapitated bird, complete with explosion of feathers and oh so very much blood.

My 7 year old starts crying and telling me that he can hear baby birds crying for their mama off in the distance and my 4 year old is sad that I’ve closed the door and there is candy out there for the taking, dammit!

The Engineer silently shuffles off to get an empty box and a shovel.  He’s a good man, that one.

I scooped up the eggs and threw them around the living room because there’s still a lot of blood and feathers out there.

Then to make this whole day more picturesque and Hallmark cardish, I come down with a raging fever and spend most of the day in bed to be followed by the Engineer.  By bedtime, we just sorta crawled up the steps and pointed at beds.

Oh the fun holiday memories my children will have!