Anxiety!, WTF

This is Why I Can’t Do Drugs…

I have the flu.  I took the suggested dose of cough suppressant a couple hours ago.  This is my first dose of cough medicine in almost 8 years when I got pregnant with my first kid.  I feel like I’m high.

It’s late and I should sleep but I feel like I could run forever.  Then I thought I should take some of these pills before my half marathon in a couple weeks because since I’ve been sick every 3 weeks since I signed up there’s no other way I’m going to be able to run the thing.

I should go to sleep but I’m convinced that I’ve somehow taken too much or the wrong thing and I’m going to die.  Did I do all the important things today if I do die?

I should go to sleep but I’m laughing too hard about an article about the comments on a rainbow cake tutorial.

None of the words that I’m typing making any sense and I’m really thankful for spellcheck right about now.

The phrase “Taste the Rainbow” now totally makes more sense to me.

I’ve messaged someone and apologized profusely for being an asshole.  I’ve never messaged this person before.

I’d really like a ham sandwich right about now.

I should really go to bed.


All of this and I’m still coughing…